Selasa, 12 Juni 2012


Taman Mini Indonesia Indah adalah suatu taman rekreasi yang bertemakan kebudayaan dari seluruh Indonesia. Bisa dibilang dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah berlokasi di Jalan Raya Taman Mini, Jakarta Timur dan berdiri di tanah seluas kurang lebih 150 hektar. Fasilitas yang dimiliki Taman Mini Indonesia Indah terbilang banyak dan beragam, contohnya seperti Anjungan Daerah yang terdiri dari 33 kebudayaan daerah di seluruh Indonesia, Teater Keong Emas, Kereta Gantung, Monorel dan fasilitas lainnya. Selain fasilitas yang beragam, ada satu keunikan yang dimiliki Taman Mini Indonesia Indah yaitu miniatur kepulauan Indonesia yang terletak pada danau tepat di tengah-tengah area Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Berbagai fasilitas tersebut menjadikan Taman Mini Indonesia Indah sebagai kawasan wisata terkemuaka di ibukota Jakarta. Tarif yang dikenakan yaitu Rp 9.000 untuk satu orang (mulai dari umur 3 tahun harga penuh), Rp 6.000 untuk satu sepeda motor, Rp 10.000 untuk satu mobil, dan Rp 15.000 untuk satu bus. Tarif-tarif tersebut tidak termasuk dalam fasilitas yang ada di dalamnya. Walaupun tarifnya terbilang cukup mahal, namun sepadan dengan fasilitas yang disediakan.

Pada awalnya Taman Mini Indonesia Indah didirikan pada tanggal 20 April 1975. Pambangunannya memakan waktu sekitar tiga tahun sejak di mulainya pembangunan pada tahun 1972. Digagas oleh Siti Hartinah  yang mana istri dari Presiden Soeharto pada saat itu atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama panggilan Ibu Tien Soeharto. Gagasan tersebut dicetuskan pada suatu pertemuan yang bertempat di Jalan Cendana no.8 Jakarta pada tanggal 13 Maret 1970. Setelah dua tahun berlalu sejak dicetuskannya gagasan  tersebut, maka dimulailah pembangunan Taman Mini Indonesia Indonesia Indah yang dilaksanakan oleh Yayasan Harapan Kita. Logo  yang digunakan Taman Mini Indonesia Indah yaitu huruf 'TMII' yang mana singkatan dari Taman Mini Indonesia Indah dan maskotnya di ambil dari tokoh pewayangan Ramayana yaitu Hanoman yang dinamakan Nitra (Anjani Putra). Nama Anjani Putra itu sendiri memiliki makna informatif dengan tujuan agar mudah diingat dan lekat di hati. Panggunaan maskot Nitra mulai digunakan sejak ulang tahun Taman Mini Indonesia Indah yang ke-16 pada tanggal 20 April 1991 dan diresmikan oleh Ibu Tien Soeharto.

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan
Kelebihan yang dimiliki Taman Mini Indonesia Indah yaitu banyaknya fasilitas yang disediakan seperti Anjungan Daerah, Teater, wahana rekereasi seperti Kereta Gantung dan Monorel. Tidak hanya sebagai tempat berwisata yang menyenangkan, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah juga dapat sebagai media pembelajaran untuk mengenal ragam kebudayaan Indonesia tanpa harus mendatangi setiap daerahnya. Namun disamping fasilitasnya yang beragam, ada pula kekurangan yang dimiliki Taman Mini Indonesia Indah yaitu dari sisi promosinya. Sehingga kurang menarik minat wisatawan untuk berkunjung kesana. 

Solusi Permasalahan
Banyaknya fasilitas yang dimiliki merupakan aset besar bagi Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Namun kurang makasimalnya promosi yang dilakukan pengelola menjadi permasalahan utama pada saat ini. Pengelola seharusnya lebih mempromosikan Taman Mini Indonesia Indah untuk lebih menarik minat wisatawan untuk berkunjung. Contoh promosinya seperti pemasangan iklan pada media elektronik seperti televisi dan radio. Dengan begitu para wisatawan akan lebih tertarik untuk berkunjung serta membangkitkan rasa bangga dan cinta tanah air sebagai bangsa Indonesia.

Senin, 11 Juni 2012


Kebun Binatang Ragunan adalah suatu jenis objek wisata taman yang dikombinasikan dengan pelestarian flora dan fauna. Berlokasi di tanah seluas 30 hektar yang terdapat pada daerah Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan. Beberapa hewan yang berhasil dilestarikan antara lain Harimau Sumatra, Harimau Putih, Komodo, Orang Utan, Ular Piton, dan beberapa jenis unggas seperti Kakatua, Jalak Bali dan Kasuari.

Pada awalnya kebun binatang ragunan didirikan pada tahun 1864 dan pada saat itu bernama Planten en Dierentain yang memiliki arti "Taman dan Kebun Binatang". Pada saat itu berlokasi di kawasan Cikini, Jakarta Pusat di tanah seluas 10 hektar dan didirikan oleh pelukis ternama Indonesia yaitu Raden Saleh. Pengelolanya pada saat itu adalah asosiasi penyayang flora dan fauna Batavia yang tergabung dalam Culture Verenigin Platen en Dierentui at Batavia. Pada tahun 1949 namanya diubah menjadi Kebun Binatang Cikini. Kemudian pada akhirnya di tahun 1964 kebun binatang tersebut dipindahkan ke kawasan Ragunan yang berlokasi di tanah seluas 30 hektare. Dua tahun kemudian tepatnya pada tanggal 22 Juni 1966, kebun binatang tersebut diresmikan oleh Ali Sadikin yang pada saat itu menjabat sebagai Gubernur DKI Jakarta dan namanya diubah lagi menjadi "Taman Margasatwa Ragunan". Direktur pertamanya pada saat itu adalah Benjamin Gaulstaun.

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan
Taman margasatwa ragunan adalah satu-satunya kebun binatang yang terletak di daerah ibukota Jakarta. Hal tersebut menjadi alasan utama masyarakat Jakarta menjadikan kebun binatang ragunan sebagai tempat rekereasi keluarga. Tidak hanya sebagai tempat rekereasi, kebun binatang ragunan juga sebagai media pembelajaran untuk mengenal flora dan fauna. Tiket masuknya pun dikenakan tarif relatif murah. Dengan uang Rp 2.500 kita sudah bisa berwisata sambil melihat-lihat satwa yang terdapat di dalamnya. Kelebihan lainnya yang ada pada kebun bianatang ragunan yaitu adanya wahana seperti kuda tunggang, unta tunggang dan gajah tunggang. Setiap wahananya dikenakan tarif mulai dari Rp 5.000 sampai Rp 7.500.

Karena objek wisata ragunan adalah objek wisata yang cukup diminati wisatawan, kebun binatang ragunan selalu dipadati penggunjung pada musim-musim liburan dan akhir pekan. Namun hal tersebut berakibat pada kebersihan area lingkungan kebun binatang tersebut. Seringkali ditemukan sampah-sampah yang berserakan di area kebun binatang. Kurangnya kesadaran pengunjung tentang kebersihan lingkungan menjadi alasan utama tentang permalasalahan tersebut.

Solusi Permasalahan
Pengelola kebun binatang ragunan ada baiknya melakukan tindakan tentang permasalahan kebersihan tersebut. Sebagai contoh membuat papan pemberitahuan yang bertuliskan 'Buanglah Sampah Pada Tempatnya!' dan meletakan tempat sampah di setip sisi dan sudut area kebun binatang. Dengan demikian melalui cara tersebut dapat menimbulkan kesadaran pentingnya kebersihan bagi pengunjung.

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey is a Canadian-American actor and comedian. He born in Newmarket, Ontario on January 17, 1962. The son of Kathleen (née Oram), a homemaker, and Percy Carrey, a musician and accountant. He has three older siblings, John, Patricia, and Rita. He was raised Roman Catholic. His mother was of French, Irish, and Scottish descent and his father was of French Canadian ancestry (the family's original surname was Carré). After his family moved to Scarborough, Ontario, when Carrey was 14 years old, he attended Blessed Trinity Catholic School, in North York, for two years, enrolled at Agincourt Collegiate Institute for another year, then briefly attended Northview Heights Secondary School for the remainder of his high school career. Carrey lived in Burlington, Ontario, for eight years and attended Aldershot High School, where he once opened for 1980s new wave band Spoons. 

Carrey began comedy in 1979, performing at Yuk Yuk's in Toronto, Ontario. After gaining prominence in 1981, he began working at The Comedy Store in Los Angeles where he was soon noticed by comedian Rodney Dangerfield, who immediately signed him to open his tour performances. Carrey, long interested in film and television, developed a close friendship with comedian Damon Wayans, which landed him a role in the sketch comedy hit In Living Color, in which he portrayed various characters during the show's 1990 season.

Having had little success in television movies and several low-budget films, Carrey was cast as the title character in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective which premiered in February, 1994, making more than $72 million domestically despite receiving mixed critical reception. The film spawned a sequel, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995), in which he reprised the role of Ventura. High profile roles followed when he was cast as Stanley Ipkiss in The Mask (1994) for which he gained a Golden Globe Award nomination for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy, and as Lloyd Christmas in the comedy film Dumb and Dumber (1994). Between 1996 and 1999, Carrey continued his success after earning lead roles in several highly popular films including The Cable Guy (1996), Liar Liar (1997), in which he was nominated for another Golden Globe Award and in the critically acclaimed films The Truman Show and Man on the Moon, in 1998 and 1999, respectively. 

Both films earned Carrey Golden Globe awards. Since earning both awards, Carrey continued to star in comedy films, including How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) where he played the title character, Bruce Almighty (2003) where he portrayed the role of unlucky TV reporter Bruce Nolan, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004), Fun with Dick and Jane (2005), Yes Man (2008), and A Christmas Carol (2009). Carrey has also taken on more serious roles including Joel Barish in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) alongside Kate Winslet and Kirsten Dunst, which earned him another Golden Globe nomination, and Steven Jay Russell in I Love You Phillip Morris (2009) alongside Ewan McGregor. One of my favorite movie from him is “Yes Man!”, when he starring the movie with Zooey Deschanel.


Water is a chemical substance with the chemical formula H2O. A water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by covalent bonds. Water is a liquid at ambient conditions, but it often co-exists on Earth with its solid state, ice, and gaseous state (water vapor or steam). Water also exists in a liquid crystal state near hydrophilic surfaces. Under nomenclature used to name chemical compounds, Dihydrogen monoxide is the scientific name for water, though it is almost never used.

Water covers 70.9% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms of life. On Earth, 96.5% of the planet's water is found in oceans, 1.7% in groundwater, 1.7% in glaciers and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland, a small fraction in other large water bodies, and 0.001% in the air as vapor, clouds (formed of solid and liquid water particles suspended in air), and precipitation. Only 2.5% of the Earth's water is freshwater, and 98.8% of that water is in ice and groundwater. Less than 0.3% of all freshwater is in rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere, and an even smaller amount of the Earth's freshwater (0.003%) is contained within biological bodies and manufactured products. Water on Earth moves continually through the hydrological cycle of evaporation and transpiration (evapotranspiration), condensation, precipitation, and runoff, usually reaching the sea. Evaporation and transpiration contribute to the precipitation over land.

Safe drinking water is essential to humans and other lifeforms. Access to safe drinking water has improved over the last decades in almost every part of the world, but approximately one billion people still lack access to safe water and over 2.5 billion lack access to adequate sanitation. There is a clear correlation between access to safe water and GDP per capita. However, some observers have estimated that by 2025 more than half of the world population will be facing water-based vulnerability. Water is one of many important thing on earth and precious to us. We can’t live without water. However, we sometimes waste it.


Bulgarian scientist said that alien or extraterrestrials  already exist on earth, among us. They even claim that they have made ​​contact with them. “Aliens already among us, and watch over us all the time,” said Lachezar Filipov, to the Bulgarian media. 

They claim to work to solve a series of complex symbols are transmitted to them. Now they're working on it. It is said by scientists from the Space Research Institute of the government from Bulgaria. They not our enemies. They want to help us. but we have not managed to establish contact directly with them." 

Mr. Filipov even say, the Vatican agreed that aliens exist. Humans can not establish contact with aliens through radio waves, but through the power of the mind. "The human race will have direct contact with aliens coming 10-15 years," he said. "They are critical to the amoral attitude of humans that disrupt the natural process," he said. I believe that someday they will appear in the middle of our society.



The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, species Malus domestica in the rose family (Rosaceae). It is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits, and the most widely known of the many members of genus Malus that are used by humans. Apples grow on small, deciduous trees that blossom in the spring and produce fruit in the fall. The tree originated in Western Asia, where its wild ancestor, Malus sieversii, is still found today. Apples have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe, and were brought to North America by European colonists. Apples are often eaten raw, but can also be found in many foods (especially desserts) and drinks. Many beneficial health effects have been found from eating apples. By example, eating an apple before each main meal. 

The idea is that the fiber in apples makes you feel full and the sweetness satisfies cravings. In addition to eating apples dieters follow a food plan that is very similar to the South Beach Diet with a relatively low intake of carbohydrates and reduction of saturated fats. Refined sugars are to be eliminated while low glycemic index carbohydrates are emphasized. In addition to eating three apples a day dieters are advised to include six servings of other fruits and vegetables. This will allow you to reduce your intake of calories without experiencing hunger. As I am, in my diet program I often eat some of apple in a week.